I’m going to share something surprising with you today! You don’t have to have a huge audience in order to generate 6 figures in your business. You don’t have to have 100,000 followers on social. You don’t even need 50,000 followers to have a profitable business. I don’t want you to think you have to have a huge audience to be successful. It’s not about having more followers – it’s about having the right ones! If you only here one thing today, it’s this – it’s not about the number of followers – it’s about having the right ones. The ones that love what you do, align with your brand, and buy what you have to offer.

So now the question is…how do you attract the “RIGHT” person for your cookie business.
Is your social media attracting the right people?
What is your messaging? When a stranger looks at your social media without knowing anything else about it, do they know what you do and who you serve?
If not, then that is a problem.
It’s surprising to me how many social media accounts I look at that I have no clue what they sell and who they serve! You know your business front and back and you know what you do and how you serve b/c you live it every day. So it can be hard to see the messaging from an outside perspective.
Let’s take a look and analyze your social media to identify if you are attracting your ideal customer.
- Your Cover Photo
- When someone first visits your page, the first thing they see if your cover photo. When you make a comment or send a DM, your photo (and name) pops up. Does that photo alone – no text, clearly communicate what you do and who you are trying to attract?
Your Profile Section
Second of importance after your photo is your name and profile. Does your profile section include your name, (it can just use your first name) and a clear and concise description of who you are in your business. It could be cookie decorator, head decorator, owner and CEO, cookie artist or business owner etc.
What do you want to be known as?
Also, if you sell custom or holiday cookies put your location in your bio. You don’t have to say your specific town but put the greater area where you live. This will help better find you when they are searching for a cookier in a certain area.
Make sure you list your website in your profile so people can click and go to your website super easily.
3. What are you posting?
Scroll through the last 10-15 posts you recently posted and ask yourself if you are posting for that specific ideal customer. It’s a great idea to create and name your ideal customer – write out all the reasons why they are your best customer. Think of the person who buys every time you have something for sale. The customer who is engaged and always wanting more.
Is what you are offering for sale perfect for that customer?
In the 5 strategies to start selling cookies we talk a lot about identifying your ideal customer.
When you are trying to identify your idea customer ask yourself these questions about them?
Are they a man or a woman?
Are they an adult or child?
Do they have children and if so, what ages?
How old is your ideal customer?
What are their hobbies?
Thinking through these questions and answers will help you to start to develop a clear picture of your idea customer for your cookie business. Take the time to create a strategy and plan to attract and “talk” to that customer. Getting to know your ideal customer makes it easier to create a strategy and communicate an effective message.