How Starting a Home Based Cookie Business Changed my Life
My cookie journey began over 10 years ago! I never set out to own a cookie business, let alone run one out of my house! For me, cookies started as a hobby that turned into a passion and ultimately a business! For so many years I felt like I didn’t have talents or skills to offer anyone and was kind of lost!
It’s crazy to think that something so small like making cookies, made such a profound and positive influence in my life! That is why I share what I do!
I’m here to give you the top 5 reasons why starting a cookie business changed my life:
- I get to be home with my kids and still run a business
Before I even became a mom I knew I wanted to stay home with my kids! It was super important to both my husband and me! I started making cookies when my oldest was 6 months old! I would do it when he was napping and after he went to bed at night! It was my creative outlet! A year later and after a lot of practice I started making cookies for friends and family! The crazy part is that they were paying me! I loved how I could work, make a little extra money, all while being at home watching my babies reach every milestone!
- I make my own hours and determine how much I want to work
Being your own boss and running your own business allows you flexibility! When my kids need extra attention or the family is taking a vacation, then I have the flexibility to take less orders! You can also wear whatever you want and no one cares if you have a bad hair day or have spit up on your shirt.
The beautiful thing about have it your own business is you are the decision maker, not someone else. You decide what is priority in your life, be that kids, exercising or working, you structure your day accordingly.
- It has given me value and built my confidence
I took piano lessons for about 5 years growing up! I enjoyed learning and playing but I never felt like I was really good at it. I remember telling my piano teacher one day after my frustration “ugh, I’m working without a talent here!” At the time I was frustrated I kept making mistakes and missing the notes. It wasn’t until I was an adult that I realized that everyone has a talent and even talented people work on their craft. It takes years and years of practice, patience, learning and more practice. Decorating cookies was something I really enjoyed and I could do well.
When I’m making a custom order for a customer, my favorite part is delivering them and seeing the excitement on their face when they see their cookies. I love being apart of their special occasions. It is a gift to bring happiness to someone’s life. I love that I bring joy, comfort and inspiration to people’s lives.
Cookies showed me that I have so much to share with the world and that I’m valuable.
- It’s my creative outlet
I will be the first to say that I never thought I had any artistic ability! I have terrible handwriting, can’t draw, and never painted! I do love to color (with lines of course)! But a blank piece of paper totally intimidates me!
Somehow when I would outline and flood cookies it did something inside me! I loved creating these beautiful works of art! It was my time to focus on my passion and something that brought me joy.
- I’m making extra income for the family
As I became a better cookie decorator, I was able to make more and more connections in my community to build my customer base. As the word about my cookies got out, my calendar was staying full and I was turning down several orders every week. I was blessed to have this problem, as I was able to use the income generated from cookie decorating to pay for vacations, Christmas presents and other extras.