I love making this Jack-O-Lantern cookie every year! He’s so simple and so cute! Here are the supplies you will need!
Sweet Sugarbelle Pumpkin cookie from her Halloween set (stencil comes in the set)
Black – outline icing
Orange – outline and flood icing
Yellow – Flood icing
Rubber spatula or scraper
You first want to take place your stencil on your cookie! Take you spatula and black outline icing and squeeze some icing on the spatula and smear over the stencil. Carefully lift of your stencil and reveal your jack-o-lantern face.
Now it’s time to take your orange outline icing and outline the jack-o-lantern face as well as the entire pumpkin, Hers is where you can divide the sections but I just chose to outline and flood the whole pumpkin in one step.
I added some yellow dots with my yellow flood icing just to give it something extra. Lastly I added a stem using my black outline icing and moving the tip back and forth!